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  1. 新年快樂,願你在新的一年裡健康快樂,家庭和睦!

    • Happy New Year! May you have health and happiness in the new year, and a harmonious family!
  2. 在新的一年裡,願我們的家永遠充滿愛與歡笑。

    • In the new year, may our home always be filled with love and laughter.
  3. 祝你在2025年裡,心想事成,夢想成真!

    • Wishing you all your dreams come true in 2025!
  4. 感謝你們的支持與陪伴,願新的一年帶給你們更多幸福。

    • Thank you for your support and companionship; may the new year bring you more happiness.


  1. 2025年到了,願我們的友誼如同美酒,愈陳愈香!

    • 2025 has arrived; may our friendship be like fine wine, getting better with age!
  2. 在新的一年裡,願你每天都能開心,生活充滿驚喜。

    • In the new year, may you find joy every day and your life be full of surprises.
  3. 新年快樂!期待在新的一年裡一起創造更多美好回憶!

    • Happy New Year! Looking forward to creating more beautiful memories together in the new year!
  4. 願你在2025年的每一天都充滿陽光與微笑!

    • May every day in 2025 be filled with sunshine and smiles!


  1. 新年快樂,願我們在新的一年裡攜手共創佳績!

    • Happy New Year! May we work together to achieve great success in the new year!
  2. 祝你在2025年裡事業蒸蒸日上,步步高升!

    • Wishing you a thriving career and promotions in 2025!
  3. 感謝你在過去一年裡的努力與付出,期待新的一年再創佳績!

    • Thank you for your hard work and dedication in the past year; looking forward to achieving more in the new year!
  4. 願我們的團隊在新的一年裡更加團結,共同迎接挑戰!

    • May our team be more united in the new year, facing challenges together!


  1. 親愛的,祝你新年快樂,願我們的愛情在2025年更加深厚!

    • My dear, Happy New Year! May our love grow deeper in 2025!
  2. 新的一年,願我們一起攜手,共同面對未來的每一天。

    • In the new year, may we hold hands and face every day of the future together.
  3. 祝你在新的一年裡,無論何時何地,都能感受到我的愛。

    • Wishing you, in the new year, to feel my love wherever you are.
  4. 新年快樂!願我們的未來充滿幸福與美好時光。

    • Happy New Year! May our future be filled with happiness and beautiful moments.

