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December CPI Data: Inflation Ticks Up, Adding Pressure on the Fed

December CPI Data: Inflation Ticks Up, Adding Pressure on the Fed

The latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) report for December has revealed an increase in inflation, surpassing economists' expectations. While varying figures are reported, multiple outlets note a rise to 2.9% annual inflation, the highest since July. This uptick was fueled primarily by rising energy and food costs. However, there's some debate around core inflation, with some reports suggesting a cooling or easing trend in underlying price measures. The higher-than-expected inflation makes it less likely that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates in the near term. The market, already navigating mixed signals, is expected to react with heightened volatility as investors digest the contradictory signs. The report places extra pressure on the Federal Reserve to balance economic growth with the mandate to control inflation.