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  • 國產大飛機C919將啟用滬港快線,航空新紀元即將來臨


AOC Delivers Powerful Speech at Democratic National Convention, Defends Values and Endorses Kamala Harris

AOC Delivers Powerful Speech at Democratic National Convention, Defends Values and Endorses Kamala Harris

In a highly anticipated moment at the Democratic National Convention, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to the stage to deliver a powerful speech that resonated with many attendees and viewers alike. This marked her first major convention address, and she did not shy away from addressing the fierce attacks she has faced from the Republican Party. With a primetime slot, Ocasio-Cortez had the opportunity to showcase her political prowess and passion for the values she stands for. Ocasio...

AOC Delivers Passionate Speech at Democratic National Convention

AOC Delivers Passionate Speech at Democratic National Convention

In a striking moment at the Democratic National Convention, a prominent New York Congresswoman delivered a passionate and powerful speech that resonated deeply with attendees and viewers alike. This marked her first major convention address, and she seized the opportunity to articulate her vision for the future of America, while also addressing ongoing attacks from the Republican Party.
The Congresswoman took to the stage with a commanding presence, emphasizing the importance of unity within t...
