
  • 立法院通過公益揭弊者保護法 保障知情者權益
  • 蔡其昌發放春聯引發全台狂潮
  • 麥當勞性侵事件引發社會熱議,建中學生揪團買餐引發反彈
  • 鄭文燦交保事件揭示的社會問題
  • 立法院通過公益揭弊者保護法,揭露不法行為的勇士終於有了法律保障
  • 韓元匯率創金融危機後新低,政治危機影響經濟前景
  • 愛情長跑終成正果 焦凡凡與婁峻碩登記結婚
  • 永豐金控與京城銀行的合併新篇章
  • 陳菊健康狀況引發關注,腎腫瘤手術後再遭腦血管阻塞


Exploring the Tension and Thrill of ‘Rebel Ridge’: A Deep Dive into Saulnier’s Latest Masterpiece

Exploring the Tension and Thrill of ‘Rebel Ridge’: A Deep Dive into Saulnier’s Latest Masterpiece

In the ever-evolving landscape of action cinema, few directors have mastered the art of the slow-burn thriller quite like Jeremy Saulnier. His latest offering, ‘Rebel Ridge,’ has captured the attention of both critics and audiences alike with its unique blend of tension, social commentary, and gripping action. Set against the backdrop of Shelby Springs, this Netflix thriller follows the character of Terry Richmond, an ex-Marine who finds himself entangled in a web of small-town polic...

Former Congressman George Santos Pleads Guilty to Fraud Charges, Avoids Trial

Former Congressman George Santos Pleads Guilty to Fraud Charges, Avoids Trial

In a significant turn of events, former U.S. Representative George Santos has pleaded guilty to charges of wire fraud and aggravated identity theft. This development marks a dramatic fall from grace for the once-defiant politician, who had previously maintained his innocence amid mounting allegations of corruption and deceit. The plea agreement, reached in the Department of Justice’s ongoing investigation, allows Santos to sidestep a trial that was set to commence next month. The former c...
