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Global Stock Markets Plunge Amid Rising Recession Fears

Global Stock Markets Plunge Amid Rising Recession Fears

In a chilling turn of events, the FTSE 100 has plummeted to its lowest levels since April, signaling deepening investor concerns about the global economy’s trajectory. As the week commenced, major stock indexes in the UK reported a significant downturn, primarily influenced by a steep decline in utility stocks. The catalyst for this sell-off appears to be the mounting fears of a recession in the United States, exacerbated by recent disappointing economic data. On the London Stock Exchange,...

FTSE 100 Faces Heavy Selling Amid Rising US Recession Fears

FTSE 100 Faces Heavy Selling Amid Rising US Recession Fears

In a dramatic turn of events, the FTSE 100 index has experienced significant declines, marking its lowest point since April. This downturn has been primarily driven by mounting concerns over a potential recession in the United States, following the release of disappointing jobs data last week. Investors across the globe are reacting to these fears, leading to a massive sell-off in stock markets. The FTSE 100 index, which represents the 100 largest companies listed on the London Stock Exchange, ...
