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Hillary Clinton Advocates for Women in Politics, Urges Support for Kamala Harris

Hillary Clinton Advocates for Women in Politics, Urges Support for Kamala Harris

In a stirring speech at the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, took center stage to reflect on the progress women have made in politics and to advocate for Kamala Harris as the potential first female president of the United States. Clinton underscored the significant strides women have made in breaking through the proverbial glass ceiling, stating that they have created ‘a lot of cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling.’ C...

Arisa Trew Makes Olympic History as Youngest Australian Gold Medallist in Skateboarding

Arisa Trew Makes Olympic History as Youngest Australian Gold Medallist in Skateboarding

In a stunning display of talent and determination, Arisa Trew has etched her name into the annals of Olympic history by winning the gold medal in the women’s park skateboarding event at the Paris Olympics. Trew’s victory marks a significant milestone not only for her but also for Australian sports, as she becomes the first Australian woman to achieve this remarkable feat in skateboarding. The atmosphere was electric at Place de la Concorde as Trew dropped into her final run, showcasing a ...

Artistic Swimming: A New Era Awaits the Olympics

Artistic Swimming: A New Era Awaits the Olympics

As the world eagerly anticipates the upcoming Olympic Games, one sport is making waves with its transformation and evolution: artistic swimming. Formerly known as synchronized swimming, this aquatic discipline has undergone a rebranding, embracing a new name that reflects its artistic essence and athletic rigor. The shift to ‘artistic swimming’ signifies not just a change in terminology, but a broader transformation within the sport itself. Athletes are now showcasing their strength ...
