
  • YOASOBI熱潮再度席捲香港,演唱會現場驚喜連連
  • 中國第六代戰機疑似首次試飛,科技與軍事的交匯點
  • 源田壯亮不倫醜聞,衛藤美彩的心碎與絕望
  • 熱刺面臨困境,球星表現不佳引發擔憂
  • 權志龍聖誕回歸 SBS歌謠大戰,華麗演出引發熱議
  • 崔勝鉉(T.O.P)參演《魷魚遊戲2》引發熱議,過去爭議成焦點
  • 二十年後:南亞海嘯的記憶與重生
  • 羽田機場悲劇:飛機相撞事故調查報告出爐,五名海保人員遇難
  • GD重返歌謠大戰,舞台魅力再現


Beloved Teen Idol James Darren Passes Away at 88

Beloved Teen Idol James Darren Passes Away at 88

In a poignant moment for the entertainment industry, beloved actor James Darren has passed away at the age of 88. Known for his iconic portrayal of the dreamy surfer Moondoggie in the beloved Gidget films, Darren captured the hearts of audiences in the 1950s and continued to leave a lasting impact in television and film. His career spanned several decades, showcasing his versatility as an actor and singer. Darren first rose to fame as Moondoggie in the Gidget series, where he charmed viewers wi...