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  • 斯德望的臨終祈禱:信仰的力量與永恆的希望


A Shocking Revelation: Drug Dealer Livestreams Cannabis Stash in Germany

A Shocking Revelation: Drug Dealer Livestreams Cannabis Stash in Germany

In a startling event that has raised eyebrows and sparked discussions on drug-related crime, a local drug dealer in Germany took to livestreaming to showcase his illicit haul of half a ton of cannabis. The incident occurred in a rented, empty warehouse, where the dealer, seemingly emboldened by the anonymity of the online platform, displayed his significant stockpile of drugs with a blend of bravado and recklessness. This brazen act not only highlights the ease with which illegal substances can ...

Adin Ross Livestreams with Trump, Gifts Gold Rolex and Tesla Cybertruck

Adin Ross Livestreams with Trump, Gifts Gold Rolex and Tesla Cybertruck

In a remarkable intersection of politics and internet culture, viral livestreaming sensation Adin Ross hosted a high-profile interview with former President Donald Trump on the streaming platform Kick. This event, which drew a staggering peak viewership of 500,000, showcased not only Ross’s immense influence among younger audiences but also Trump’s strategic outreach to a demographic he views as crucial for his campaign. During the nearly hour-and-twenty-minute livestream, Ross prese...
