In a significant disruption for gamers, the PlayStation Network (PSN) has experienced a major outage affecting users across multiple platforms, including the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PlayStation Vita. Reports indicate that the issues began on Monday night, leaving many players unable to log in or access essential online features. This incident comes shortly after a large-scale outage from a telecommunications provider, potentially compounding the frustrations of gamers looking to connec...
In 2005, Sony revolutionized the gaming world with the launch of its first handheld console, the PlayStation Portable (PSP). This innovative device not only marked the company’s foray into portable gaming but also set the stage for a new era of interactive entertainment. The PSP quickly garnered a dedicated fan base, thanks to its impressive graphics, extensive game library, and multimedia capabilities, allowing gamers to enjoy music, movies, and even browse the web on-the-go.
Fast forward...
- 科技
- By 何艾麗
- 2024 年 7 月 30 日
在遊戲迷的期待中,索尼互動娛樂(SIE)終於宣布,PlayStation Portal 遙控遊玩機即將於2024年9月4日正式登陸香港與台灣市場,並將於8月5日展開預售。這款備受矚目的遙控遊玩裝置,搭載了一塊8吋的高清LCD屏幕,支援60fps的流暢畫面,並以1080p的高解析度呈現遊戲畫面,讓玩家能夠隨時隨地享受PlayStation 5的遊戲體驗。
PlayStation Portal的設計理念是讓玩家在不同的環境中也能輕鬆暢玩,無論是在家中、咖啡廳還是旅途中,都能享受到高品質的遊戲體驗。其機身配備了3.5mm耳機孔,方便玩家連接有線耳機,增強遊戲的沉浸感。並且,這款裝置兩側的控制手掣也具備了PS5 DualSense的主要功能,讓玩家不僅能享受到畫面上的真實感,音效的豐富性也不會打折。
隨著科技的進步,遊戲的玩法也在不斷演變,PlayStation Porta...