
  • 立法院通過公益揭弊者保護法,保障揭弊者權益
  • 立法院通過公益揭弊者保護法,為揭弊者鋪平道路
  • 高鐵南延計畫正式啟動,居民與商家反應不一
  • 靈能的挑戰:在阿姆坪的決戰時刻
  • 趙薇無預警宣布離婚,揭開婚姻背後的故事
  • 劉德華演唱會驚險一幕引發粉絲關注
  • 立法院通過公益揭弊者保護法 保障知情者權益
  • 蔡其昌發放春聯引發全台狂潮
  • 麥當勞性侵事件引發社會熱議,建中學生揪團買餐引發反彈


Supreme Court Decisions Impact Voter Registration and Abortion Rights

Supreme Court Decisions Impact Voter Registration and Abortion Rights

In a significant turn of events, the U.S. Supreme Court has temporarily agreed to a request from the Republican National Committee (RNC) to enforce a controversial Arizona law mandating that voters present proof of U.S. citizenship. This decision is poised to have far-reaching implications for voter registration and electoral participation in the state. The ruling comes amidst a backdrop of ongoing debates about voting rights and accessibility across the nation. Proponents argue that such measur...