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Sabrina Carpenter Unleashes Chaos and Comedy in New Music Video ‘Taste’

Sabrina Carpenter Unleashes Chaos and Comedy in New Music Video ‘Taste’

In an electrifying launch of her latest single, “Taste,” Sabrina Carpenter captures the chaotic essence of love triangles and the humorous rivalries that often accompany them. The music video, which debuted on Friday, features the talented Jenna Ortega alongside Carpenter, delivering a visual feast that combines elements of comedy, drama, and a touch of horror. The narrative unfolds with Carpenter and Ortega embroiled in a fierce rivalry over a shared love interest, portrayed by Roh...

Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Taste’: A Campy Take on Love and Rivalry

Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Taste’: A Campy Take on Love and Rivalry

Sabrina Carpenter is back with her latest single ‘Taste’, a playful exploration of love triangles that has fans buzzing with speculation about its inspiration. The track serves as a teaser for her upcoming album ‘Short N’ Sweet’, and it’s accompanied by a visually captivating music video featuring actress Jenna Ortega. In the new music video, Carpenter and Ortega engage in a comically intense feud over a boy, played by Rohan Campbell, in a scenario reminiscent of cl...
