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Japan’s Stock Market Faces Historic Decline Amid Global Sell-Off

Japan’s Stock Market Faces Historic Decline Amid Global Sell-Off

In a dramatic turn of events, Japan’s stock market witnessed its largest one-day points loss on Monday, reflecting a broader global sell-off triggered by disappointing employment data from the United States. The Nikkei 225 and the Topix indices dropped over 7%, indicating a significant downturn that has left investors in a state of alarm, nearing bear market territory. As a wave of pessimism swept through global markets, Japanese shares plummeted to levels not seen since the infamous &#821...

Japanese Stock Market Faces Major Decline Amid Global Sell-Off

Japanese Stock Market Faces Major Decline Amid Global Sell-Off

In a dramatic turn of events, Japan’s stock market has witnessed significant declines, with the Nikkei 225 and Topix indexes both falling by over 7% on Monday. This drop follows a concerning trend observed in global markets, which have been unsettled by disappointing job data from the United States and growing fears of a possible recession. The sell-off that began in New York last week has now cascaded across Asia, leading to heightened volatility and investor anxiety. The Nikkei 225 index...
