
  • 外國遊客愛上台灣威士忌:葛瑪蘭的崛起與背後故事
  • 趙正平聖誕迎子,感謝妻子不易付出
  • 未成年少女在麥當勞打工遭性侵,悲劇背後的社會責任與反思
  • 張柏芝的感人故事:重拾希望與光明
  • 麥當勞性侵事件引發社會關注,未成年少女悲劇背後的真相
  • 紀念台灣登山家的不屈精神與追求夢想的旅程
  • 蘭桂坊街頭驚現醉酒打鬥,聖誕前夕熱鬧不再安全
  • 姜勳在《驚人的星期六》中大膽告白 太妍反應成為熱議話題
  • 川普揚言收回巴拿馬運河引發國際關注


The Unexpected Comeback of ‘Twisters’: A Summer Surprise

The Unexpected Comeback of ‘Twisters’: A Summer Surprise

In a summer filled with blockbuster expectations, the film “Twisters” has emerged as a surprising contender for the title of the comeback kid. While it may not have topped the box office charts, finishing as the fourth highest-grossing film in the U.S. and Canada and sixth globally, it has ignited a conversation that extends far beyond its earnings. This film, produced by Universal, has managed to capture the hearts and minds of audiences, proving that sometimes, resilience in the fi...