In a heartfelt exploration of friendship and identity, the new Netflix documentary ‘Will & Harper’ captures the emotional road trip of comedian Will Ferrell and his long-time friend Harper Steele. As a former writer for ‘Saturday Night Live,’ Steele’s journey of coming out as a transgender woman during the pandemic adds a profound layer to their adventure. The film aims to shed light on the complexities of their relationship amidst the backdrop of societal chall...
In a groundbreaking exploration of friendship and identity, the new Netflix documentary “Will and Harper” captures the heartfelt journey of comedian Will Ferrell and his longtime friend Harper Steele. Following Harper’s recent transition, the two embark on a road trip that promises to be both enlightening and entertaining, as they navigate the complexities of their evolving relationship. The documentary, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, has already garnered ecsta...
In the world of professional football, few players have left as indelible a mark as Steve ‘Air’ McNair. Renowned for his incredible talent on the field and his magnetic personality off it, McNair’s life story is one of both remarkable achievements and heartbreaking tragedy. As discussions around his legacy resurface, particularly with the release of the new Netflix documentary series ‘Untold,’ we are reminded of the complexities that define this sports icon.
Steve M...