In a shocking display of hatred and intolerance, a small group of masked individuals waved Nazi flags and donned white supremacist symbols outside a community theater production of ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ in Howell, Michigan. This prote...
In a heartfelt tribute that resonated with a deep sense of loss and celebration, President Joe Biden led a memorial service for Ethel Kennedy, the renowned human rights advocate and widow of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday...
In a troubling turn of events in Manassas Park, Virginia, the search for missing mother Mamta Kafle Bhatt has taken a dark twist. After weeks of uncertainty, local authorities have confirmed that they now presume the mother of two is dead. On Thursda...
In a significant ruling, the UK Supreme Court has denied Shamima Begum the right to appeal against the removal of her British citizenship, a decision that continues to stir public debate and raise critical questions about national security, human rig...