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Los Angeles Shaken by 4.4 Magnitude Earthquake

Los Angeles Shaken by 4.4 Magnitude Earthquake

On Monday afternoon, Los Angeles County experienced a significant seismic event as a 4.4-magnitude earthquake struck at 12:20 p.m. PT. The quake’s epicenter was located approximately 2.5 miles south of Highland Park, a neighborhood that felt the tremors distinctly. Residents across a wide swath of Southern California, including areas such as LA and Pasadena, reported feeling the ground shake, leading to a wave of alerts and discussions on social media. Fortunately, there have been no immed...

Moderate Earthquake Rattles Los Angeles, No Serious Damage Reported

Moderate Earthquake Rattles Los Angeles, No Serious Damage Reported

On Monday afternoon, Los Angeles County experienced a moderate earthquake measuring 4.4 on the Richter scale, centered approximately five miles northeast of downtown. The tremor struck at 12:20 p.m. PT, causing noticeable shaking across various Southern California regions, including Pasadena and Highland Park. Residents reported feeling the quake, but initial assessments indicated no significant damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey confirmed the earthquake’s magnitude and locatio...

Strong Earthquake Shakes Southern California: A Night of Tremors

Strong Earthquake Shakes Southern California: A Night of Tremors

On a seemingly ordinary Tuesday evening, Southern California was jolted by a powerful 5.3 magnitude earthquake that struck near Bakersfield. The tremor, which occurred at approximately 9:09 p.m. PT, sent shockwaves through the region, with residents in Los Angeles, Orange County, and beyond feeling the effects of the seismic activity. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquake’s epicenter was located just 18 miles from Bakersfield, a city known for its agricultural roots and ...
